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中国软玉产地众多,但不同地区所产软玉的质量和价格却存在较大的差异。以OXRD、SEM等先进测试仪器,对新疆和田、青海格尔木以及江苏溧阳三个国内主要软玉矿区的软玉样品进行了结晶度分析和微观形貌的观察,发现其微观结构不同是造成各地软玉质量存在差异的重要因素。  相似文献   
利用X射线衍射等分析方法,对贵州威宁麻窝山岩溶盆地沉积物中粘土矿物进行研究,获得了粘土矿物的组成、相对含量、结晶度指数、化学指数以及相对含量比值等方面的信息,探讨该盆地的沉积环境演化特征。研究表明,粘土矿物以伊/蒙混层矿物(30%~75%)和绿泥石(10%~45%)为主,高岭石(5%~20%)和伊利石(10%)次之,基本不含蒙脱石。伊/蒙混层矿物和绿泥石含量呈负相关性。高岭石含量在剖面底部较稳定,在484cm上部出现较大的波动。伊利石结晶度和化学指数与伊/蒙混层矿物含量具有较好的正相关性,且在第Ⅰ阶段相对于其它指标较敏感,出现波动。通过综合对比分析,将研究区剖面划分为4个阶段,其是3个冷暖干湿的大循环和若干个小循环气候环境的物质记录。  相似文献   
郑家-王庄地区沙一段粘土矿物特征及对储层敏感性影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
东营凹陷郑家—王庄地区沙一段砂岩储集层中蕴藏大量稠油油藏,但开发过程中粘土矿物的敏感性严重制约了该油类藏的有效开发。定向X射线衍射分析结果表明,本区沙一段砂岩储层中粘土矿物组成类型为伊/蒙无序间层矿物(S/I)、高岭石、伊利石和绿泥石,其中以伊/蒙无序间层矿物的相对含量居多。这就决定了研究区储层敏感性以水敏性为主,其余敏感性无或较弱。据定向X射线衍射谱图上S/I主峰d值大小,进一步识别出钙型S/I、钠型S/I及钙钠过渡型S/I。扫描电镜观察表明,S/I具有丝状、网状和蜂窝状三种形态,且大都包裹在岩石骨架颗粒的表面作为孔隙衬里而存在。阳离子交换容量和膨胀率研究结果显示,二者与样品中S/I含量和层间阳离子类型相关。膨胀率和阳离子交换量与S/I含量都呈较好的正相关关系。在S/I中蒙皂石层含量相当的情况下,钠型S/I的膨胀率和阳离子交换量值偏大,钙型偏小,钙钠过渡型居中。此外,粘土总量以及S/I产状对储层损害也有较大的影响。  相似文献   
The adsorption of pentachlorophenol (PCP) onto quartz, kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite and iron oxides has been investigated by batch equilibrium techniques. The pH-dependent isotherms are curves with peak values, the position of which is at about pH = 5-6 depending on the mineral species. Based on distribution of both speciation of surface hydroxyls on minerals and PCP in solution a surface reaction model involving surface complexation and surface electrostatic attraction is presented to fit the pH-dependent isotherms, and both reaction constants are calculated. The results show that on quartz and phyllosilicate minerals the predominant adsorption reaction is surface complexation, meanwhile both of surface electrostatic attraction and surface complexation are involved on the iron oxide minerals. The reaction constants of surface electrostatic adsorption are usually one to three orders in magnitude, larger than that of surface complexation. The concentration-dependent isotherms can be well fitted by Langmnir equation with the correlation coefficient R〉0.93 for kaolinite and iron oxides. The maximum adsorption is found in the order: hematite 〉 lepidocrocite 〉 goethite 〉 kaolinite 〉 quartz 〉 montmorillonite ≈ illite, which can be interpreted by consideration of both reaction mechanism and surface hydroxyl density. The significant adsorption of PCP onto mineral surfaces suggests that clay and iron oxide minerals will play an important role as HIOCs are adsorbed in laterite or latertoid soil, which is widespread in South China.  相似文献   
伊利石矿床成因类型及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊利石矿是一种粘土类矿产,其成因类型多样,应用领域广泛,本文主要对伊利石的成因类型及主要应用领域进行初步的探讨.  相似文献   
根据衍射峰具有的不同分布特点推导出了14个伊利石结晶度Kübler指数,Weaver指数和Weber指数关系式中常数项C1-C14的数值,提出了PearsonⅦ分布中形态参数μ与C5,C6,C11,C12的4个定量方程。由此,14个伊利石结晶度指数关系式可直接用于实际计算。根据阿尔卑斯复理石伊利石形态特征Sc=0.731,由这些关系式进行近变质带上下界线的转换得出与Kübler指数0.42~0.25。△2θ界线对应的Weaver指数和Weber指数的界线值分别为5.8~17.6和300~179。讨论了在自然干燥状态下直接进行伊蒙混层鉴定的基本原理。  相似文献   
粉煤灰具有一定的吸水能力,且含多种营养元素,对土壤有很好的改良效果;伊利石也具有吸水性,且含钾量高。采用溶液聚合法首次合成的粉煤灰-伊利石/丙烯酸-丙烯酰胺高吸水复合材料,其吸蒸馏水、自来水、生理盐水倍率分别为1 782,450,117,而国家“863计划”关于高吸水材料的技术指标分别为300,150,50;同时对复合材料的保水性、热稳定性、耐寒性及其二次吸液性能进行测试,结果表明:复合材料具有优越的保水性,25℃条件下干燥8 d,吸水凝胶还可以保持50%的吸水量;在0~120℃范围性能稳定;具有较高的二次吸液能力,可以多次使用。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地早二叠世岩浆特征及其对油气成藏关系初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
塔里木盆地早二叠世裂谷盆地阶段有一次强烈的岩浆活动,主要为玄武岩—中酸性凝灰岩喷发和大规模基性岩墙群的侵入,玄武岩K-Ar法同位素年龄为241~278Ma,而辉长岩的Sm-Nd法年龄为259Ma。火山活动产生的能量使得塔里木盆地内的寒武系—奥陶系烃源岩大量生烃并运移,自生伊利石K-Ar年龄测定数据显示哈得4石炭系油藏、塔中4CⅢ油藏油气充注时间为224~275Ma,与上述火成岩的活动时间相当。东河砂岩,一套深埋的优质储层,其形成的原因可能是二叠纪末油气的注入并导致其后期深埋时只有机械压实而无其他成岩作用的缘故。  相似文献   
Sébastien  Potel 《Island Arc》2007,16(2):291-305
Abstract   Pre-Late Cretaceous terranes from the central part of New Caledonia have been metamorphosed under very low-grade conditions by two high-pressure/low-temperature events. The present study investigates the metamorphic patterns with phyllosilicate crystallinities, electron microprobe analyses and petrography. The first metamorphic event is of Late Jurassic age and is characterized by very low (anchizone) to low-grade (epizone) conditions with a decrease of the illite Kübler Index (KI) and the chlorite Árkai Index (ÁI) values from northeast to southwest. This trend is also confirmed by chlorite thermometry. In the south of the area, un-metamorphosed sediments (diagenetic KI values) are observed in the Senonian 'formation à charbons', post-dating the metamorphism in this region. The second metamorphism is an Eocene high-pressure event, which overprints the Late Jurassic metamorphism in the northern part of the studied area. In this zone, the pattern of KI and ÁI indicates another gradient with increasing metamorphic conditions from southwest to northeast. Temperatures calculated by chlorite thermometry also indicate an evolution from southwest to northeast with slight increase of temperature from 298 ± 8°C to 327 ± 16°C. In both metamorphic zones, the K-white mica b cell dimension calculated on micas analyzed at electron microprobe are in good agreement with high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphic conditions (b0 > 9.04 Å). A combination of chlorite thermometry and K-white mica b cell dimension allows estimation of a minimum pressure of 1.3 GPa in the Eocene zone (in excellent agreement with the 1.5 GPa registered in the northern part of New Caledonia) and a minimum of 1.1 GPa in the Late Jurassic metamorphic part.  相似文献   
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